TheBanyanTree: Random Thoughts

Russ Doden russ.doden at
Fri Dec 13 06:41:54 PST 2013

I have some random thoughts rolling around so I thought I would roll them
your way.  No story here, just thoughts that are bouncing around in my
alleged brain this morning.  I'm trying to get back in the mode of posting
once in a while again, getting the "writers juices" flowing once more as it

Random Thought #1
As I sat here reading the morning email I found myself wool gathering,
thinking about Friday the 13th.  Many people I have worked with had a major
issue of Triskaidekaphobia, to the point of taking the day off so they
wouldn't have to leave the house!  Others would just endure the day and
hope the ceiling didn't fall on them.  It has often been a very lucky day
for me over the years though!  It was a day where my best raises or nicest
promotions; good job offers came in; or where choice assignments would be
received when I was in the full time working world.   People always thought
I was a bit daft when I would come in and be happy it was Friday the 13th.
OK, so some of the people thought I was a bit daft most of the time, but
that was for a different reason.  I have long thought that I could create
my own luck simply by having a positive attitude so seeing Friday the 13th
as a lucky day seems to have that effect for me!  I have a client scheduled
today so it will be a good day again today!

Random Thought #2
Now for something totally different. One of the hobbies I enjoy is Amateur
Radio - better known as Ham Radio to some people.  I got back into the
hobby earlier this year even though my old license had expired and I had to
start all over again.  After much study and focus I passed my Technician
and then General Class test to become KF5UZG to those who may be
interested. To those of you who are not familiar with this affliction, we
use radios to communicate with people locally and all over the world.  For
some the hobby is focused on digital modes, other on local work such as
emergency communications, weather spotting, local special events, etc.  For
others it is seeing how many "contacts" they can make, and for others is is
a chance to just "rag chew" or have conversations with others involved in
the hobby too.  For most of us it is a combination of these. Last night I
went back in the ham shack and turned on all 3 radios to see what was on.
2 Meters and 70 Centimeters (the local repeater frequency bands) didn't
have any nets or general conversation going on so I started listening to
the HF (High Frequency, or the so called "low bands) rig.  I listed to a
few stations on 20 Meters (one of the frequency bands) while I was working
on a DC power distribution box I'm making.  Yeah, I know that is Greek to
most of you, but suffice to say I was content to make a mess creating
something that may or may not be useful (depending on if I do it right or
not) until that band "fell apart".  The bands were quiet anyhow - that
happens for a number of trophospheric and atmospheric reasons.  So I went
over to 40 meters and found a round table discussion going on to listen to
while I did more carving and drilling on the project.  I ended up chatting
with that group after a while.  It is strange, talking to people in 5 or 6
states, some closer to OK, like NM and others not so close like WI, and
sharing information about our stations, what the weather was like where we
each were, what our other hobbies are, and how the plans for the holidays
affect each of is.  It was like a group of friends, none of whom know each
other, but have a common interest of radio and that is enough to start a

I couldn't help but think how much like The Banyan Tree that is.  For the
most part we really "know" little about each other but at the same time it
is like a bunch of friends at a party - some active and talking, others
content to listen.  I hope to be able to "tune in" to this group more often
and be less of a lurker and more of a talker than I have been!


Enjoy Life By Living In Joy

Well Being Consultant

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