TheBanyanTree: Holy Mother of God!

Laura wolfljsh at
Mon Jul 25 08:09:00 PDT 2011

On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 10:27 AM, Russ Doden <russ.doden at> wrote:
> Great story Sachet!  Anyone who has ridden a motorcycle in the rain can
> appreciate it.  It brought back many memories of being caught in storms when
> I was ridding

I'll never forget the time my car broke down on the highway on the way
home from work, in the dead of winter, and my husband picked us up in
our only other vehicle - a 400 Yamaha.  I had our puppy with us.  So
there are the two of us, me with the puppy crammed down the front of
my down coat, riding in a freekin' ice storm.  One of those weird
storms when the precipitation is rain, but it freezes on impact.
Fortunately, my hubby is an extremely good rider, and kept us on the
road.  When we got to the car rental place, his jeans were completely
covered with a layer of ice.  I had to break the ice off of him before
he could get off the bike.  We had a large fairing on the bike which
deflected the worst of the freezing rain from his face, so he could
see, thank goodness. The tops of both of our helmets had about 3/4 of
an inch of ice on them.  Not the best conditions for riding!

Glad you managed ok, Sachet.  I'd have been terrified!

wolfljsh at

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