TheBanyanTree: It Must Be Mother's Day Because it's Snowing

LaLinda twigllet at
Mon May 10 13:56:05 PDT 2010

It must be Mother's Day
because it's snowing
just like I warned all of those
giddy sillies afflicted with
spring fever
the temperature rises
above 60
in this case
think it safe
to proclaim it summer
as if winter weren't listening
the entire time
waiting for just the right moment
to humiliate them publicly
underscoring their verbal recklessness
just like those other Mother's Days with snow or
horizontal  rain

in the middle of winter when
people checking my groceries grumble
and gripe about how cold it is and how deep
the snow and slush is, as if they've forgotten what the climate
of our geographical location actually is known to be by meteorologists 
far and wide
not to mention those drivers of the world's biggest snowplow at the airport

I feel a deep pleasure as warm as bath water creep over me as I remind 
them where they live
how it can snow on Mother's Day and if they want warm they need to move 
or wear a parka

LLD 5/9/10

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