TheBanyanTree: The lowly cent symbol

Peter Macinnis petermacinnis at
Fri Jun 18 14:12:30 PDT 2010

Russ Doden wrote:
> The Lowly Cent Symbol
> Have you noticed that the lowly cent sign is missing from the keyboard
> of computers?  I hadn’t noticed that until just recently.

Just a note from Scotland.  As I stood at the Ulva Ferry today, waiting 
to take a boat out to Staffa for Fingal's cave and Lunga to chat with 
puffins, surely the world's most improbable flying birds, I noticed that 
the British no longer use the p symbol for pence.  Using # for pound 
because my netbook lacks the proper pound symbol, the 50p fare for 
bicycles to go from Mull to Ulva is displayed as #0.50.


puffin botherer at large

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