TheBanyanTree: Happy Pie Day

Mike Pingleton pingleto at
Fri Mar 14 17:41:30 PDT 2008

I was out playing duck with my dogs this afternoon.  Across the street
Judy was helping her daughter Beth, drawing Easter motifs on the
sidewalk with colored chalk.

"Happy Pie Day, Mike!" said Judy. I made a puzzled face and she said
"Pie Day?  Three one four?"  Ohhhhh.  "I went to Baker's Square and
picked out a nice one."

"Happy Pie Day Mister Pingleton," said Beth.  "I can't remember pi
past three point one four one five seven nine," I commented.

"Beth, recite pi for Mister Pingleton," Judy said.

"Three point one four one five nine two six five three five eight nine
seven nine three..." she rattled it off to about thirty places.  I was
gobsmacked. "Beth and Ted compete to see who can go the farthest,"
said Judy.

I went to the grocery store after supper and bought a cherry pie.
We're eating it up right now.  Who cares about the date - this is to
celebrate a ten year old pixie who can recite pi twenty five places
farther than this old codger.

Happy Pie Day.


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