TheBanyanTree: My Big Adventure

auntie sash auntiesash at
Fri Dec 12 08:49:43 PST 2008

I'm not sure if Stew receives his email, but he pops up from time to time as
a suggested friend on Facebook.

I never quite know what to do.  I hate to ignore an offer of friendship but,
well, I suspect Stew is now busy with other things.  I mean, even
semi-earthbound I have trouble finding time to update my wall and craft
witty status updates.  Hard to fancy I'll find a spare moment for it once I
slip this heavy realm.

Thanks for the story, 'Neeky.  So much more fun to read than to endure.

On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 8:28 AM, Laura <wolfljsh at> wrote:

> Now why in the world did I suddenly think of Stew?  And do you think he
> can check his email where he is now?

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