TheBanyanTree: Consortium Girls gone Wild!

Sharon Mack smack58 at
Fri Aug 29 15:03:19 PDT 2008


My mother adored my father, but she said to me when I was about 16, "I love
your father and hope I die before him, but if he goes first, I just want to
be by myself. Have my own little apartment, eat when I want and what I want
and not have to cook for someone else.  I want to come and go as I please
and not have to check in with someone else...."  And that's exactly what she
did, until the day she died.

I asked her once after her mourning period was over and she had become
active again if she missed Daddy, and she said a little when she went to
bed.  It was so big and felt empty, but she was busy during the rest of the
day and didn't think about it a lot.


-----Original Message-----
From: thebanyantree-bounces at
[mailto:thebanyantree-bounces at] On Behalf Of Laura
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 5:38 PM
To: at
Subject: Re: TheBanyanTree: Consortium Girls gone Wild!

On 29 Aug 2008 at 17:19, Sharon Mack wrote:

> After raising 3 husbands, 2 sons, and numerous boyfriends (live-in and
> otherwise), I'd had enough, and made a conscious decision to live alone.
> I've never ever regretted it, not once in 13 years.  I am sure I am the
> odd (wo)man out, though.

I'm still married, and have two teenaged boys at home.  I DREAM of being
alone!  I long for 

My husband once asked me if I would marry again if he died before me.  I
suppose it *was* 
a little insensitive of me to say, HELL NO like that, without even thinking
about it.  :)

I dug myself out of that hole by explaining I could never find another man
like him - one so 
easily trainable.

For some reason, he didn't like that, either.

Go figure.

wolfljsh at

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