TheBanyanTree: Full Disclosure Announcements

Rob McMonigal trebro at
Tue Mar 14 20:17:51 PST 2006

Washington, DC (AP)--The political hopes of a promising Senator were dashed
when it was discovered that, due to being a reincarnation of former
President Grover Cleveland, he was not in fact eligible to run for
president, due to the Constitutional Amendment limiting each citizen to only
two terms in office.

"I am truly sorry for Senator Bayh, I really am," Senator Clinton was heard
saying, between shouts of YES! YES! YES!  "Fortunately, I am only the
reincarnation of Ellen Wilson, and therefore, while holding informal
executive power, I was never in fact an elected President.

In a brief press release issued today, Senator Bayh indicated that while he
could see if the Supreme Court was willing to hear a case determining his
eligibility, the idea of establishing "separate but equal lives" into US law
was too risky.

"I only wish I could have been President Roosevelt--either of them." said
the Senator.


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