TheBanyanTree: [Fwd: Can't Sleep]

Maria Gibson mgibson7 at
Fri Oct 14 14:17:44 PDT 2005

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Can't Sleep
Date: 	Fri, 14 Oct 2005 05:46:48 -0400
From: 	Maria Gibson <mgibson7 at>
To: 	TheBanyanTree <thebanyantree at>

Ever tried to fold a map back to small?  Neat; this way then that way in 
a zig zag orderly fashion.  Just try to get a map back to something like 
not huge and unwieldy after it has been allowed open to full bloom.  Try 
to get it to behave and fit in a nice package again and not take up so 
much space.  It's as if the fact that it grew (and from conception it 
always had the capacity but was held back by all those constricting 
folds) that prevent it from going back in on its self.  The map resists 
all attempts at ungrowing.

Unring a bell.  Take back a kiss.  Unthink a thought.
The struggle to go back is confounded by the desire to continue rushing 

Excess is a demanding and unrelenting task master never getting enough 
but begging a continuing effort at high and dangerous speeds.  Too much 
ringing, kissing and thinking is exhausting.  And.  The map isn't ruined 
because it no longer conforms.  It just isn't the same and it shouldn't 

A folded map can be put in a small space but can't be read and used to 
its full potential.


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