TheBanyanTree: Raining Cats and Dogs?

PJMoney PJMoney at
Sun Mar 6 01:12:43 PST 2005

Stone the crows, Woofie.

It's the crows that do it.  Maybe your horse paddock is on their flight
path between golf course and home tree.

I know it's crows because I've seen them do it.  Once upon a time, many
years ago, in the days when we used to meet up with my husband's Mum and
Dad at Boomerang, near Helensburgh, before his Dad got too emphysematous
to walk a course, I hit a ball that landed a not-too-shaming distance
away.  There am I, walking along feeling moderately pleased with myself
when, out of the blue, or maybe out of some nearby tree, comes this big
black bird.  It swooped down, flapped back up and away, and when I got
to the spot my ball was gone.

Don't know why crows like golf balls but they do.  Thieves, they are.


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