TheBanyanTree: Raining Cats and Dogs?

Woofie woofie at
Sun Mar 6 19:39:21 PST 2005

Hmm..was discussing this with the Spouse...sounds very plausible:) We
doan have crows here...only ravens, wot are bigger birds anyways and
thus more able to pick up a whole golf ball.

Great thinking 99:))


PS..if this is the reason there must be some mightily annoyed golfers
over at the golf course hehehehehheh

P> Stone the crows, Woofie.

P> It's the crows that do it.  Maybe your horse paddock is on their flight
P> path between golf course and home tree.

P> I know it's crows because I've seen them do it.  Once upon a time, many
P> years ago, in the days when we used to meet up with my husband's Mum and
P> Dad at Boomerang, near Helensburgh, before his Dad got too emphysematous
P> to walk a course, I hit a ball that landed a not-too-shaming distance
P> away.  There am I, walking along feeling moderately pleased with myself
P> when, out of the blue, or maybe out of some nearby tree, comes this big
P> black bird.  It swooped down, flapped back up and away, and when I got
P> to the spot my ball was gone.

P> Don't know why crows like golf balls but they do.  Thieves, they are.

P> Janice

Best regards,
 Woofie,                       mailto:woofie at

"The one constant in life is absurdity" - Woofie - 30/4/02


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