TheBanyanTree: Jonesing for Fruitcake

Laura wolfljsh at
Tue Jan 25 17:27:53 PST 2005

On 25 Jan 2005 , Mike Pingleton made this statement:

>  I expect I'll make four loaves next year and share the love again with
> fellow fruitcake freaks. 

Mikey, any time you end up with too much fruitcake, feel free to dispose 
of it in my direction!

You might just get cookies in return...

My mom's fruitcake is to die for.  No, not because it's not good, on the 
contrary, it's fabulous.  Dark, rich, fruity, very aromatic.  I have the 
recipe, but I won't post it here.  It's two (count them 2!) pages long 
and involves soaking dried fruit (not candied fruit, mind) in either rum 
or wine for a couple days, then mixing it with the dry ingredients.  Then 
you bake the loaves in an oven with a pan full of water.  Basically it's 
an Americanized English pudding.  Guess that's why I like it!  You don't 
eat them right away, they have to be cured by wrapping them with 
cheesecloth soaked in rum or wine, then wrapping again in foil and/or 
plastic wrap.  A month or so later.....  heaven on a plate!  The best I 
ever had was one year when Dad had make elderberry wine in the basement 
(in bottles, of course.  stop being so literal!), and she used that 
instead of the rum.  Oooh baby, that was some FINE fruitcake!

Every year I swear I'm gonna make some, but so far, I've chickened out.  
THIS year, yeah - this year I'm gonna do it!

wolfljsh at

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