Sharon Mack SMACK at
Tue Jan 25 06:04:08 PST 2005

I have been making this soup for years.  It's not only a family favorite but a community favorite.  When anyone is sick they ask for this soup.  It's secret is in the Vermouth!

My best friend of 20 something years was so ill, we honestly thought we were going to lose her.  They sent her to a big fancy hospital in Springfield (a two hour drive from here) and I didn't get to see her very often.  She'd had several surgeries and before she could recover from one something else would go terribly wrong.  

One night I got a call from her husband asking if I wanted to go with him to visit her on Saturday.  I, of course, said yes.  I wanted to do something special for my sick, sick friend so I made "THE SOUP!"  

On Saturday I heated up the soup and put it in a container that would hold the heat until we got there.  As we walked into the room, the nurse held out her hand and told us that she would put the soup away because Bonnie couldn't keep anything down.  They were quite concerned.  I had already begun to open the soup.

Before I could get the cap back down, Bonnie weakly asked if that was my chicken soup, she breathed deeply and said, "Mmmmm, that smells soooo good.  Can I try just a spoonful before you take it away?"

The nurse nodded and got a spoon.

Bonnie began very slowly, just a small teaspoonful at a time.  She was able to finish half the soup and keep it down.  We were all thrilled.

Later that week I took more soup.  Bonnie swears to this day that it cured her.  Though she didn't come home immediately, she soon was able to and all during her long convalescence we kept up the soup supply.  To this day, when I make the soup, I save her some.  

This was the beginning the wonderful tradition of the "community" soup. I not only make enough to share with Bonnie, I make enough for Debbie, her daughter Alisha who lives in New York and her old Pop, who is 80 something years old, my friend Marsha and her family and, of course, my own family of hungry guys.

Try it, you'll like it!

P.S.  Bonnie is also a member of the Banyan Tree and will verify every word written here!


(a Sharon Mack original)

Usually I use the leftover carcass of a roast turkey or chicken but you can use chicken parts as well.  Use at least a part or two of dark meat and a couple of breasts if you go this way.

Boil the carcass or chicken parts until the meat is ready to fall off of the bone.  Let them cool to room temperature and remove all bones and skin.  Cool in fridge until fat comes to the top.  Remove the fat and bring the broth to a boil again.


2 cups of water
¼ to ½ cup of white Vermouth (white wine can be used but it's not as good)
Salt, pepper, and garlic powder (use a light touch)
Some fresh parsley
2-4 pkts. of Herb-Ox bouillon (other bouillon just does not do it) 
1 pkg. 10 oz. chopped frozen spinach

Lower heat and simmer for at least an hour.  

Matzah Balls
I use the matzah ball mix on the market using olive oil in place of vegetable oil and make them according to the directions.

While the matzah balls are cooking I prepare either medium width egg noodles or white rice (rice is our favorite).

To serve:
Put the rice or noodles into a bowl and ladle the broth and matzah balls over it.  (NEVER add rice or noodles to broth pot as they will swell and get soggy.)

Instead of Matzah balls I add mushrooms (fresh are best) to the broth and serve over rice. 


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