Sharon Mack SMACK at
Fri Aug 20 10:58:57 PDT 2004

Prompt for Friday, August 20th:

"I was taught very early that I would have to depend entirely upon
myself; that my future lay in my own hands."
-Darius Ogden Mills

Do you agree with Mr. Mills?  How did you find out this fact for
yourself and what did you do to develop your future (or what are you
doing to develop your own future)?


Do you disagree?  Do you believe in destiny?  Why?



Destiny was her name but she didn't believe in it....destiny....not
for one moment.  She was going to make something of herself, no matter
what it took.  She would make a plan, that's what she would do.

Her mother had told her that God made the plan and that there was
nothing you could do about it.  You were born to your life.  It would be
in His hands.  Just be a good girl and "the plan" would unfold

When she was little, Destiny would ask her mother about the plan, but
her mother said no one knew the plan until after it had come to pass. 
That was why you couldn't do anything about it.  You just had to be
good and it would unfold without you doing a thing but living your life.
 When Destiny got older, she got brave and asked what would happen if
you were bad.  Her mother gave her a look that was fierce and
frightening.  Her mother told her NEVER to even think about being bad if
she knew what was good for her and to stop asking so many damn

Destiny began to write in her spiral notebook.  She was supposed to use
it only for school but she didn't care.  She HAD to make a plan, and
plan she did.

1.	Be a good girl.
2.	Go to school every day.
3.	Do your chores.
4.	Don't make mother angry.

When she got older the plan began to change.

1.	Learn to speak well.
2.	Read all about the world.
3.	Study hard, do all your homework.
4.	Get A's.
5.	Get a job.
6.	Save money.

Her mother thought it a waste of time for Destiny to write it all down
in her spiral notebook, but Destiny did it anyway.

By the time Destiny was ready to graduate her plan began to take hold. 
She won a scholarship to a college far away in the East.  She spoke well
and had saved her money.  She'd read all about other places including
foreign countries and she was determined to continue with her plan until
she could travel and see the many things she had read about.  She would
be a famous author, she would write the great American novel.  

Destiny earned her Ph. D in literature and philosophy.  She wrote her
novel, she was successful and became famous.  She traveled the world
promoting her book, which was translated into seventeen languages.  Her
plan had worked.

When Destiny grew ill, she was angry.  It was not a part of her plan. 
She grew so ill she had to return to her home.  Her mother was old and
tired but took care of her anyway.  Destiny told her about 'the plan'
and how she had beaten destiny.  Her mother just smiled knowingly at her
and patiently asked, "Are you sure about that?"

Destiny was quiet.  Destiny wasn't so sure anymore.

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