TheBanyanTree: Pot Fire

WolfSinger wolfljsh at
Wed Sep 10 15:50:28 PDT 2003

"Matt!  We have ten minutes before Dad gets home, why don't you make 
him a fresh pot of tea?"

"Why me?  Why do I always have to do it?  Why can't Rob do it this 

"Rob's busy, and I want *you* to do it, so just hush and get the tea 

Blam. Bangs the measuring cup on the counter.

Slam. Slams the cabinet door.

Splut. Smashes the box of tea on the cabinet.

RipRipRipRip. Slap.  Opens the four tea bags and throws them in the 

Slam.  Slams the cabinet after putting the tea away.

StompStompStompStomp.  Huffs over to the microwave.

SLAM!  Puts the cup in the microwave and shuts the door.

Beepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeep.  Sets the microwave and turns it on.

Stomp stomp stomp... etc.  Stomps out of the room and down the hall.

"THANK YOU!" I yelled after him, thinking "little butthead".

(anybody caught the fatal error yet?)

A few seconds later, I thought, "Jeez, those damn kids next door are 
smoking pot out in the dead end street again!" <ahem>  Not that I would 
know.  Second-hand smoke, you know.  Yeah.  ANYway... Those kids moved 
almost a year ago.  I walked along the counter to the door to look out, 
and just as I passed the microwave, it burst into flames!

"Holy Sh*t!" I yelled, as I hit the Off button, and popped the 
microwave open.  I blew into the now bubbling measuring cup to blow out 
the flaming tea bags.  

Matt came running back into the kitchen at the sounds of my distress, 
glanced at the blackened bubbling mess filling the microwave, and with 
a grimace said, "Uh, I think I forgot to add the water, Mom."

"Ya' think?!"

I'm just glad that no police officers decided to come by that evening.  
Who knew that burning tea smelled so much like burning pot?

wolfljsh at

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