TheBanyanTree: Snake Whisperer

Pam Lawley pamj.lawley at
Wed Jun 27 19:47:55 PDT 2012

ha!!!  I would have an over-flowing mailbox!!!!

On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 6:31 PM, Janice Money <pmon3694 at>wrote:

> Pam wrote:
> Finally, FINALLY, I got the nerve to walk on by, on the OTHER side of the
> walkway!!  And when I came back in the gate, I was searching nervously
> again, but I don't know what ever happened to him, where he went, or what
> he's doing.  I was watching under cars in the parking lot, wondering if
> there was another snake cousin laying in wait near my tires.  Gawd, talk
> about skittish!!!  Snakes in every shadow...
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
> We have a largish temple flower tree (it's a variety of frangipani) growing
> next to and overhanging our letter box.  The woman next door once called
> out
> to me as I was on my way to the box and told me that she had seen a snake
> in
> the tree earlier that day and I should watch out.  She said she thought it
> was a green tree snake.
> I don't know much about snakes except that I don't like them.  I think
> green
> tree snakes are pythons that squeeze rather than bite.  I don't know.  She
> didn't know if it really was a green tree snake.  There are king browns and
> all sorts of other deadly biting snakes in these parts.  Do they get up
> into
> trees?  I don't know.
> As you might imagine, I checked that tree out very carefully before getting
> under it and collecting the mail. And I've done that every day since.  It
> must be getting on for about four years now that I've been scared there
> might be a snake in that tree.  I mean, I'm pretty sure there isn't but I
> still have to check.
> Janice

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