TheBanyanTree: sunrise above the clouds

Tom Smith deserthiker2000 at
Wed Feb 29 13:42:22 PST 2012

Within the city limits of San Diego and within 20 miles of the
beach is a hill named Cowles Mountain.  Calling it a "mountain"
you could claim is an exaggeration, but in fact, climbers that
reach the top at 1591 feet above sea level are at a higher 
elevation than that possible in the entire states of Delaware,
Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Mississippi, Louisianna and Florida.

It's a strenuous, steep, winding climb over many rocks, but  
usually full of pleasant experiences, something amazing or 
inspiring to remember: someone offering to share their 
binoculars, strangers passing by saying  "Good morning," 
dachshunds and a 90 year old woman making the summit, 
and nuggets of conversation like "I promised myself"  and 
"This is good for me."   

Image at

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