TheBanyanTree: thoughts on a really good run

Teague, Julie Anna jateague at
Thu Aug 2 06:01:10 PDT 2012

Thanks, Tom and everyone.  I really need to start writing again.  I've 
been in something of a slump that seems to be lingering for...years.  I 
did see Jupiter and Venus but did not know about Aldeberon, which I 
shall now google.  This morning's run was under a full mooooooon.  
Tomorrow at 6am, I will be looking at the stars from out on the lake, 
rowing with a crew.


Quoting Tom Smith <deserthiker2000 at>:

> Beautiful, Julie!  -both your experience and your communication
> of it.   I love to hear someone say once in a while that they
> are happy where they are.
> The cool quiet pre-dawn environment nurses that rapture for
> me (plus the freedom to travel in the middle of the streets.)
> Did you catch the "morning stars?"   Jupiter and Venus are up
> now in the eastern sky at sunrise.  Jupiter is the fainter one
> above.  Got a picture of them with a cheap point-and shoot
> camera that amazingly revealed their round shapes.  There is
> a noticeable change in their positions day by day, and a star,
> Aldeberon, that helps give you a sense of how the planets are
> moving and where the plane of the ecliptic is.
> image at:

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