TheBanyanTree: Holy Mother of God!

Russ Doden russ.doden at
Mon Jul 25 07:27:21 PDT 2011

Great story Sachet!  Anyone who has ridden a motorcycle in the rain can
appreciate it.  It brought back many memories of being caught in storms when
I was ridding - and some of the memories were horror stories when I was in
the middle of them - like getting caught in a mild hail storm, or having
lightening hit so close to the road that a burning branch flew out and
landed right in front of me and I had to "hop" over it, or on a winter ride
having a freak mild snow storm drop on you when you are 2 hours from home!
That is part of being a rider though and those adventures are the ones you
love to recount and remember!  I'm glad you are taking the HP motorcycle
safety course.  When I was a Motorcycle Safety Foundation instructor, we
encouraged our student to take any other skills courses they could because
you never know what you will be finding around the next corner!  Ride On!


Take things one day at a time
If that is too much, go 1 hour at a time
If that is too much, go 1 minute at a time
Miracles come one minute at a time.

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