TheBanyanTree: mouths of (former) babes

auntiesash auntiesash at
Fri Sep 3 16:22:23 PDT 2010

It's been a while, hasn't it, since I've had a great BoyChild story to


Last night we were all situated in Geek Central.  Husband, BoyChild, and I
were all playing
World of Warcraft - plugged into our headsets - each of us communicating
with the other people
in our questing groups.

The BoyChild's group was fighting a particular Boss level monster who casts
"insanity" spells
that make you attack your own party members, so in addition to the regular
bar showing how
much health you have remaining, there is one that shows the effects of that

Which lead Ned to suddenly shout to his team mates "I'M ALMOST OUT OF

I'm thinking of putting that on my business cards.

- sash

Live to the point of tears.
- Albert Camus

Let us read and let us dance - two amusements that will never do any harm to
the world.
- Voltaire

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