TheBanyanTree: Some Muvvers really DO have em!!

Woofie woofie at
Mon May 24 03:29:28 PDT 2010

Hello Peter,

How  did  the  world  cope  before McManlies were invented? I ask this
quite seriously, because a serving of McManly is like a serving of one
of  the essential food groups - actually, there are a number of Banyan
Treeites,  who  I  consider as falling into the essential food groups,
but I will stick to McManly this time.

First  of all - the obligatory ARRRRGGGGHHHH! for the puns in the last
para - ah..that feels better:)

Secondly,  McManly, I just love your missing parts theorem! You should
publish  it in a learned scientific journal - the world deserves to be
informed of this great new scientific breakthrough!!:)

Now, back to cooking dinner and only one broken gun left to fix:)

Monday, May 24, 2010, 7:18:31 AM, you wrote:

> The missing bits problem is little understood, so pay attention, class,
> as I outline the root cause.  If bits go missing, you and your house are
> suffering from an outbreak of part eaters.

> For marine part eaters, see J. S. Bach, 'The Part Eater in Sea', while
> the giant land ones are described in W. A. Mozart’s 'The Grand Part Eater'.

Best regards,
 Woofie                            mailto:woofie at

"The one constant in life is absurdity" - Woofie - 30/4/02


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