TheBanyanTree: I'm Sorry

Laura wolfljsh at
Sun Feb 21 13:01:35 PST 2010

On 21 Feb 2010 at 15:28, Kitty wrote:

> And isn't acknowledging errors and
> apologizing for causing the hurt/disappointment that followed, part of a
> recovering addict's program?

This is true.  However, the small sound byte I heard (I refused to watch the 
whole dastardly thing) sounded to me as if he'd deliberately left out a line...

"I"m so so so so so so very very sorry, so very very very sorry (... that I got 

I didn't really buy it.  I hope the thousands of people who need role models 
so desperately that they have latched onto a sports figure were mollified, 
because I'm not buyin' it.

wolfljsh at

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