TheBanyanTree: "Kill the boy"

Julie Anna Teague jateague at
Sun Feb 14 07:33:22 PST 2010

Quoting Laura <wolfljsh at>:

> I have a 16 year old, just getting ready to turn 17, and he has become
> smarter than everyone else, stronger than everyone else, and invincible to
> boot.  What he isn't, is responsible, though he assures me that he most
> certainly IS.

I have one of those exact creatures in my home.  He is alive by the 
grace of God and my lack of access to weapons (although choking him 
with my bare hands has come to mind).  I love the kid, don't get me 
wrong, but this age is the most completely infuriating.  His brother 
had his driver's license and a job by now, so, while he was just as 
annoying, he was at least out of the house more.  Number 2 son has yet 
to show a level of responsibility and reliability at which I will allow 
him anywhere near my car to practice driving.

I love it when I say, "For the hundredth time, PICK UP AFTER YOURSELF." 
  To which he often replies, "Why are you screaming, I always do."


We'll get there.  I think.  I am seeing the light at the end of the 
tunnel with having teenage boys, but the way I'm feeling most days, it 
could be a train.


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