TheBanyanTree: Dee

TLW tlwagener at
Tue Feb 2 19:29:41 PST 2010

I also remember Dee in the very early days.  I'm talking about the
NOSH.  A Campfire -- Julie?  Remember?  Brrrghghgh.

It was "run" by a fellow who was -- in a word -- CA-RAZY.  He
occasionally had sort of, um, fits.  Random fits.  And I learned soon
enough that when these fits hurtled into the campfire circle, the
members would scatter and lay low, days would pass, and then someone
would poke their head out and post again.  Nothing would be said about
the insanity.  A fine dysfunctional family, eh?  Hoooo-ey!

Dee and Tobie joined at about the same time.  Dee and I bonded right
away (I posted a lot more often then) through our humor and -- okay,
our own brand of craziness.  Just a month or two after Dee came on
board, the leader went into another rage, only THIS time, *I* was the
target.  I had written a play about a pathological liar, and written a
film that did not have my name in the credits (I withdrew from the
arbitration, long story.  short story: viper pit), and somehow he got
it into his head that I WAS a pathological liar, did not write the
film, and was quite simply not who I was pretending to be.  He got
really surly and arrogant and mean, in public, to me, kicked me out,
and everyone... scattered.

Dee, in her way, perhaps in her naive newbie way, wrote the guy
offline.  For days.  And engaged him in a rational dialogue (as if)
and defended me, quoting me, asking why he was after me, what did he
possibly hope to achieve, and what was the deal, anyway?

The group sort of splintered about this time, into (at least) two
circles.  Subsequently, Julie and Wes took up the torch and invented
The Spoon.  Thanks Gods.

Anyway, Dee kept me apprised of the correspondence between her and...
Tim?  Was it Tim?  Julie?  She sent me their exchanges, hers being
rational and adorable and funny, and his being... Tim.  Or
whatsitswhoeverthinger.  I was so moved, I can't even tell you  --
perhaps because I so often am a whistle-blower or "golden thorn"
(Mental eye roll, you'd think I'd learn, but I despise bullies with
all my blood) and no one ever steps forward to defend me.  Then later,
they say, "Oh, I totally thought you were awesome back there!"

Anyway, this isn't about me.  No, really.  It's about a brave and
intelligent writer woman who took on the Head Guy when he got wonky
and mean.  It meant the world to me, and still does.

Dee claimed my heart during those dark days as the Campfire fell
apart.  She has it still, and will have it forever.


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