TheBanyanTree: halfway there

Julie Anna Teague jateague at
Thu Feb 18 12:31:27 PST 2010

As of this week, I am halfway through the training plan to get myself 
ready for the half marathon I'm attempting in early April.  Halfway 
through and I have not had a serious injury so far, knock wood, and I 
have not yet quit, although I've given it some serious consideration a 
few times.

This is what it feels like to run seven miles in the frigid cold on an 
ice-caked, snow-packed rail trail, squelching through pools of black 
mud in the few spots where the limestone banks on either side flatten 
out to meet a street crossing allowing some weak sun through the tree 
limbs to melt the ice: it hurts.  Not forever.  Not even so much later 
the same day after aspirin and a hot bath.  But at the time, it hurts 
pretty much the whole way.  It is mind over matter the whole damn way.  
Cold upper thighs, raw throat, aching butt muscles working hard to keep 
lifting my legs which are heavier in the cold, and the added weight of 
the rubber-and-springs Yaktrax gizmos which keep me from sliding on 
each step and the super thick, over-sized winter sweat pants I call 
"the big fatties".  No one looks good in these sweatpants so I can't 
even be mentally spurred on by the thought that I am cutting a fine 
figure.  This is where the rubber and the willpower hit the road.  This 
Saturday I do nine miles.  It's supposed to snow Friday night.

My running buddy said today, as we put in a quick four miles over our 
lunch hour, again on snow and ice in the achy cold, "Imagine how we 
will fly when we are running on real ground again!"  That is something 
to look forward to--flying.


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