TheBanyanTree: Maple Syrup

NancyIee at NancyIee at
Sun Apr 12 02:13:04 PDT 2009

While Spring and Winter co-habitate for you in the north, here, it has been 
 a chilly, foggy Winter, and a warmer, foggy Spring.  The change is not as  
apparent or as dramatic as you have.  Still, I sense the gradual  
differences:  My Easter Lilly, that I planted in the ground last year, will  bloom in 
a day or two, and the Jasmine which I stuck in the ground near the ham  
radio tower (I hope to tear down; it was on the house when I moved in) and now  
the Jasmine has filled in all the spaces on the tower from ground to upper 
arms,  and is it its fragrant full bloom.
We still are in the drought season, but the weeds know how to take  
advantage of any moisture at all and are growing tall in my stunted lawn. My  mower 
still needs its Spring tuning and a new blade, so I cannot mow as yet. So,  
I have to pull the weeds before they go to seed.
The Cardinals and Mockingbirds are out in force. My yard is ablaze in the  
brilliant confetti of flitting Cardinals, and the mockingbirds challenge all 
in  their setting up territories, even the lurking feral cats who roam 
about. My  poor little canary is outdone by all the outdoor warbling.
Spring break is in swing, as reveling children collect on beaches and malls 
 growing redder in the hot sun and learning what jello shooters are all 
about. I  tried to go to a movie recently, and found the theaters turned into 
party rooms  by teens thinking we don't know it's not all soda in those cans.
Spring also brings out the bikers, motorized and pedal-powered, who think  
the roads are for zooming in and out, and filling the ERs.  Spring brings  
out a madness and a gladness even here, as we see the last of cold weather, 
and  look forward to the wealth and picnics of Summer.  I wish I could go to 
the  mountains, and see the Daffodils blooming on my little peak.  I went 
last  year, but the gas prices and general economy might have me postpone my 
trip  awhile.
I am on the verge of rekindling a relationship.  It was a major change  to 
end it in the first place, and will be another culture shock if we get back  
together.  We don't change, you see, and we both know what's in store  
should we try it again.  Harder this time, as we have gotten used and  
comfortable in the way we each live.
Spring will bring changes, either way, snow or no  snow.
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