TheBanyanTree: renaissance woman or feminist reject

Julie Anna Teague jateague at
Mon Oct 13 06:27:20 PDT 2008

Quoting Jena Norton <eudora45 at>:

> The point is, we should all always have choices that are not restricted by
> gender. And really, that isn't feminism. It's  what's right for all people,
> regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or gender.

Well said, Jena.  That is one thing my family didn't cotton to, 
either--gender stereotypes--this pervailing attitude came from my 
grandparents and even their parents.  My dad and my grandpa, 
especially, never had anything but the highest of expectations for me.  
I was the one girl in a sea of brothers and male cousins, and if they 
treated me differently at all, I think they sometimes expected more of 
me than they did of any of them.  My grandpa sometimes expressed 
concern that I would get married and start having kids before I got 
through college and did other things.  No worries, grandpa.  And it has 
all worked out in the end.  I did those other things, and I have a 
decent career that I'm extremely grateful for that has allowed me to 
take care of myself and my kids, and now I'm able to discover the 
beauty and prayerful meditation of doing simple human work, "close to 
the roots" kind of work.  These are the tasks that filled my 
grandmother's life, and she always did them with gratitude, purpose and 
joy, and I'm able to reconnect with that kind of contentment in a way 
that I've not been able to do in the career side of my life.


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