TheBanyanTree: Cloud sightings

Gloria burns.gloria at
Mon Jul 21 07:42:05 PDT 2008

Outdoor office breaks can inspire fun...

After hours of enduring mechanically controlled room temperatures
I step outside and get hit with a blast akin to the suffocating air in
a furnace room
I inhale the scent of pine and oak with an occasional hint of ordinary grass
all having been warmed by the sun
As I inhale deeply, my head eases upward
Until my eyes focus on the abundance of free form clouds
As if discovering paper & pen sketches in somebody's hidden drawer
I spot Snoopy laid out on top of his dog house and nearby
Woodstock fluttering next to Charlie Brown
I see fluffy white airplanes complete with propellers
and a mermaid taking a dive into vibrant blue water.
Cartoon characters of every size and shape
Drift across my view as clips from the archives
My eyes follow a line that leads to a silver arrow
and sadly, I recognize it as a passenger jet
As it grazes the treeline and then disappears
I am jolted back to the land underfoot.


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