TheBanyanTree: mental health day

Dave dseaman at
Thu Dec 4 11:17:00 PST 2008

Nov. 14th, 2008 at 9:23 AM

A squirrel is sitting on the big branch of the tree in the neighbor's yard 
making the most pathetic noises. Like it's hurt, has a broken leg, or is 
constipated. Maybe it ate a bad nut or has a peanut shell stuck in it's 
throat from the handful I dropped at he base of it's tree home. I think it's 
just depressed. Maybe suicidal. Sitting in a tree on a cold rainy Autumn 
morning trying to decide if the rest of the day is going to be worth while, 
or should it find a tall power line from which it can jump, plummeting to 
certain death on the pavement below. Free of all the demands on it's 
squirrelly little life. Taking with it the secret of where all the almonds 
are buried from the past months of me beaning it in the tail from my smoking 
swing on the porch. I often thought of the little almost rodent type 
creature as a really laid back character compared to the manic obsessiveness 
of the little bushy tailed monsters that over populate the nature center 
nearby. I suspect now that it just doesn't give a shit about the anxiousness 
that drive it's wilder woodland counter parts. I'm thinking changing it's 
name from 'fat rodent' to 'emo the squirrel'.


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