TheBanyanTree: Plants

Laura wolfljsh at
Mon Mar 12 13:45:48 PDT 2007

I finally managed to get my seeds planted.  I was planning to do that a month ago.  I bought 
pepper and tomato seeds back in January, along with a few of those red plastic tent things 
you fill with water and put around your baby tomatoes.  You're supposed to be able to put 
your plants out a good 6 weeks early if you use the red tents.  But in order to do that, you 
have to HAVE plants six weeks early!  I didn't get them planted in time.  <sigh>

Yesterday was so pretty that I had to get out in it.  So I decided the time was right to get the 
seeds started.  I got out all my stuff and hauled it up to the deck, where my planting table is.  
I bought a "Biodome" kit from Parks Seeds this year to give it a try.  It's a nice, hard plastic 
kit with a styrofoam insert which holds the growth medium.  It was easy to set up, and 
dropping the seeds in the tiny holes only took a few minutes.

I got out some craft sticks (popsicle sticks with no popsicles on them) and labelled them,  
putting them in the end of each row.  That way I'll get the right number of each variety 
planted, I hope!

On went the lid, and I was done.  <sigh>  Now what?

I guess I'll have to resort to yard clean up to get my sunshine fix now.  That's not a problem, 
there is plenty to clean up, I'd just rather be growing things than picking up dead stuff.

At least it's outside!  :)

wolfljsh at

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