TheBanyanTree: Back to the Beach

Margaret R. Kramer margaretkramer at
Sun Jun 24 06:57:05 PDT 2007

It’s going to be another scorcher today.  We’ve had a gazillion days when it
got 90 degrees or above so far this summer season when we usually have 10 or
12 the entire summer.  We had 20 days of intense heat last summer, which was
one of hottest ones on record.  The summers from the early 1930s still reign
as the all time HOT, HOT summers.  Yeah, back in the days before electric
fans and air conditioning.  What did people do?

Yesterday, however, was one of those perfect summer days even an air
conditioning freak could love.  The high got to the lower 80s with a smidge
of humidity.  The wind was light.  The sun peeked out from behind passing
clouds.  It’s been very dry, unfortunately, so I spent part of the morning
dragging hoses and sprinklers throughout the yard.

We finished our Saturday chores early (vacuuming, laundry, trash,  and
watering indoor and outdoor plants), so we decided to just drive somewhere.
And we did.  We drove to Lake Pepin, which is one of the widest parts of the
Mississippi River.  We drove along Highway 61, yes, it’s the Bob Dylan song,
although I’m never really sure if he means the northern part of 61 along the
North Shore of Lake Superior or the southern part of 61 heading towards New
Orleans.  It was great to see farms and corn crops and horses and cows,
which is not part of our everyday driving experience.

We sat in a park for a while watching the sailboats do a ballet around the
lake and then headed home.

Since it was so darn nice and I felt guilty for not doing anything physical,
I took a bike ride along the river to downtown St. Paul.  I took a break and
watched a couple of tugboats and guys from the from the tugboats move barges
around.  Then I headed home, going uphill most of the way, but I’m proud to
say I didn’t have to get off my bike and walk it up the hills, I managed to
use my superpower thighs to get my way upward.

Before dinner, I spent some time reading the paper on the deck.  Yeah, baby,
there’s nothing better than that.  Ray and I had dinner while watching the
news.  Then I paid bills, which amazingly, we actually still have money left
in the bank.  We watched the Twins beat the crap out of the Florida Marlins.
Our windows were open and as we caught the cooling evening air, we also
caught snatches of conversation as people walked by our house.  It was a
wonderful night.  Like I told Ray, I wish we could clone it and bring it out
when the weather gets too cold or too hot.

It’s back to the heat today.  And back to the beach with Asher, Susan, and
the boys.  I’m getting so tan this summer and it’s not even a fake tan.
There’s nothing like feeling the sand between my toes, reading a magazine,
and jumping in the water when I get too hot.  Yeah, baby, it’s summer and
the livin’ is easy.

Margaret R. Kramer
margaretkramer at
margaret.kramer at

Dad, your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever.
~Author Unknown

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