TheBanyanTree: On the Seventh Day of the Seventh Month of the Seventh Year (of the Twenty-First Century, A.D.)

B Drummond redd_clay at
Sat Jul 7 14:50:39 PDT 2007


Don't know how lucky the day is for everybody else but I consider myself in 
immersed in that state today.

My older daughter and my son-in-law came up last night and spent the night 
with us.  My daughter was up almost as early as I was this morning when I put 
the coffee on.  

We starting making breakfast together.

"Dad, want to play some cards?" she asked as she sat at the table and I 
started some eggs to boil on the stove.

How did she know my mind? I thought.  Cards, my passion of late, and before 
breakfast at that -- she really knows how to get my attention.

"You better believe it! I answered as I put the bacon a broiling rack.
With that she scouted up a deck of playing cards and the UNO deck that I had 
on a dresser drawer top in the other room.

And we played Rummy while the eggs and bacon cooked, ending up tied at one 
game apiece.

Then we played two hands of UNO and split the wins.

We laughed and talked about her job, my pride in her finishing her Master's 
degree earlier this year, the new baby soon to come and life.  We talked 
about her sister's recent engagement, her new job, about her mother's first 
pregnancy and how the labor went, and our lives over the years together as a 

As we talked about the future and the past it was then that I realized those 
that said today truly was a lucky day.

And I was maybe the luckiest man alive to have a daughter such as her who 
loved me and wanted to be with me before the others were up and spend time 
with me alone, laughing, and sharing and humoring her dad with his latest 
passion. You can't know the depth of pride I felt sitting beside her, 
enjoying her full attention.

So, don't waste your breath telling me that 7/7/07 is not the luckiest day of 
the year -- it's impossible for one day in a year to be luckier than all 
others. Your words will fall on deaf ears. 

Besides, you can't argue with a man with the experience of 7/7/07 so fresh in 
his heart. 

It just plain won't do you no good.


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