TheBanyanTree: It's Hip to be Scared

B Drummond redd_clay at
Sat Feb 3 21:32:25 PST 2007

Global warming (recently renamed "climate change" to be more widely
accepted) is all the rage now.   The political balance of power has
changed in this country as of late and now the drumbeats are beating
to a different rhythm.  Instead of being scared of terrorism we
should be scared of global warming/climate change.

One thing for sure, we've got to be scared of something, otherwise it
just isn't natural (or newsworthy) is it?  Yes, it's imperative that
we be borderline Chicken Littles according to some.  Speaking of
Chicken Little have you read about the bird flu!

I remember how we were being told in the press in the 1970s that we
could be entering a new ice age.  It was global cooling they espoused

If it wasn't that it that was gonna' wipe us out is was
overpopulation, if it wasn't that it was thermonuclear war, if it
wasn't that it was California was going to fall off into the Pacific,
if it wasn't that it was this causes cancer this week and that causes
it next week.  Yes, they kept us pumped full, on a daily basis, of
the many things we were supposed to fear coming upon us.

One thing for sure about human nature, some people dearly love to
control other people through fear. For some it's another form of ego
trip and a source of perverse empowerment.  It's a quirk of human
nature that's durn near as constant a factor as climate changes,
earthquakes, floods, storms, and all sorts of disasters, both man-
made and natural that we have endured since the dawn of man.


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