TheBanyanTree: To all parents

PJMoney pmon3694 at
Thu Mar 16 00:09:02 PST 2006

> * Remember all those adorable, cute, sweet, precious pictures that you
> took over the years? Keep them handy. Make copies and store them online
> where they can't access them. You might need some for leverage one day
> soon.

Videos!  We have videos!

The Christmas ones are really too aw-shucks cute to use as blackmail.  Well,
I think they are.  

"Have you got a huff* too James?" darling 4 year old Seano says to his dear
little 3 year old brother.  Jimbo, all wide eyed and innocently happy, holds
his up in his chubby little hand.  "Oooh," says Seano, "that's good."

See Mum watch the old video.  See Mum go all squishy with a big warm rush of
goopy love. That one's no good for the purpose.

No.  What we have is a video taken maybe three years later where these two
boys are playing air guitar and pretending to be Bill and Ted, of "Bill and
Ted's Excellent Adventure" fame, complete with little boy sound effects.
That one is perfect.  We only have to mention it and they cringe.  

* The huff was actually a Fisher-Price plastic Swiss Army Knife kind of
thing.  I don't why it was called a huff but now, in our house, all Swiss
Army Knife kind of things are huffs.


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