TheBanyanTree: Happy Hour at Espe's

JNorton eudora45 at
Sun Mar 26 07:24:53 PST 2006

It all started innocently enough. I had gone from my bi-weekly therapy
session AKA getting my nails done to Costco. In the process of power
shopping, I had trashed a newly-done nail. Since I had Big Plans and
wanted my nails to look smashing, I frantically called Shirley, my
manicurist, and asked if she could repair the nail. She said she was
almost done for the day but would wait for me.

Now, Shirley repairs nails for her regulars for free, but it was a
Friday night and she was staying a little longer to repair my boo-boo.
By the time I got there, I had figured out a suitable reward for her
rescue. Among my other purchases were a bottle of Jose Cuervo
Especial, some margarita mix, and cups. After she fixed the nail, and
closed the shop, I led to her to the back of the Explorer, opened some
bottles and packages, and we had an impromptu tailgate happy hour,
right there on one of the main thoroughfares.

Time went by and I once again messed up a freshly done nail. This time
I was at home. I mixed up some margaritas and we again toasted her
nail expertise and our friendship. We giggled as we locked up the shop
and wondered aloud what folks driving by would think.....

Over the months, we would fondly remember our happy hours and tell
some of the other clients about them. One in particular, Judy,
bemoaned not having been there to join us. She and I have back-to-back
appointments and are both teachers, so Friday night has special
meaning for us. I told her that one of these days, I would make her a
martini and bring it. She laughed, taking it as a joke.

A couple of weeks later, I showed up with plastic glasses, olives, and
a pitcher of martinis on ice. Shirley had some munchies, so we had a
great time getting our nails done, talking, laughing, drinking, and

That began the tradition. We've had wine tastings, champagne to
celebrate my birthday, Long Island ice tea to compensate for their not
going to Hawaii, and margaritas. If anyone else in the shop wants to
join us, they're welcome to join us if they can scrounge up something
to drink out of. Between 4 and 6 or so on every other Friday, Espe's
is a very happy place!

We talk about school and kids, trips, men, politics, books, men, our
histories, wine and drinks, men, cars, decorating, sex, and of course,
men. Whoever is there is welcome to jump right in at any time. We've
even had a few hearty males there for hair cuts sit down in our corner
and add their comments. Of course, there are those who have frowned on
our boisterousness, but when they leave, we talk about them!

Last night we had our last happy hour at Espe's. It was just the three
of us to mark the end of an era. In a week, Shirley is moving to
another shop.We drank to the end of an era. This ensured Shirley
didn't have to worry about moving any potentially breakables to the
new shop. In the same helpful spirit, we cleaned out the little
fridge's snack supply. But I have to say we're a bit apprehensive.
Shirley had to sign a contract for the new shop, full of do's and
don'ts, like no cursing and jeans only on Tuesdays and Fridays. We're
wondering if the new shop's inhabitants are going to forbid on our
Friday frolics. And we're also wondering if the cursing clause applies
to employees and clients who're teachers....


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