TheBanyanTree: Ten Revelations - addendum

Laura wolfljshus at
Wed Apr 5 21:18:58 PDT 2006

I just got around to reading what I sent. There are some corrections. 
#2 should read: "Your kids aren't who you think they are, either." 
#9 needs an explanation: I'm not talking about MY marriage. Hubby and I each
have friends who seem to think that marrying someone is a legal contract
which allows them to take advantage of and abuse their spouses. They do not
believe that respect, kindness, or joy, have any place in the home.
Apparently. They talk about it all the time.  We can't even sympathize, 
cause we're weird, we don't follow their beliefs. That's why we have cats. 
I wasn't kidding about the coffee, chocolate, and book. I have them waiting
- so what am I doing hanging around in this windy tree?!? 
wolfljshus at 
-------Original Message------- 
From: Laura 
Date: 04/03/06 17:05:31 
To: BanyanTree 
Subject: TheBanyanTree: Ten Revelations 
1. Your parents are not the people you think they are. 
2. Your kids aren't who you think they are. 
3. Life is what you expect. If you expect complicated, it will be 
complicated. If you expect simple, it will be complicated. 
4. You can't teach them all to drive, but you *can* point out their mistakes

5. You can't fix stupid. 
6. Sometimes all you need is coffee, chocolate, and a good book in a warm 
7. Sometimes all you need is all of your family around you being noisy and 
teasing and close. 
8. If you want true love, get a dog, and treat it right. 
9. If you want to be ignored and abused, get married. Or get a cat - it's 
10. Cooking and cleaning are not all they're cracked up to be. 
wolfljshus at

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