TheBanyanTree: The Fate of Dracaena marginata

Woofie woofie at
Tue Apr 18 23:40:30 PDT 2006

I know you are all jumping out of yer pelts wanting to know what
happened to the dreaded dragon tree after it was dug up and split into

Well the biggest section was planted in KK's front yard..that was
pretty uneventful, even if the neighbours did look at us a bit
strangely as we lumped these big trees around...but then I spect KK's
neighbours have got into the habit of lookin strangely at her
episodes, so that the strange looks is sort of a permanent habit, by

The second tree was left in the driveway fer a hospital (where KK one of them loony bin type hospitals in case yers is
wondering!) ter pick up. The third one came home ter the Woofden to be

Now that was funny..well it would have been iffen there was any
onlookers...Spouse decided we should lower it into the wheelbarrow and
try and get it over to the hole he dug, that way..

Got it into the wheelbarrow OK and I trundled wheelbarrow while he
held the tree steady..unfortunately the wheelbarrow would not go
straight, kept going we swapped places with me holding
tree and spouse trying to steer wheel barrow...but in slow motion
wheelbarrow toppled over followed by tree and followed by me under
tree and finally Spouse on top of tree.
"Bugger the wheelbarrow," I sez, after extricatin meself from under
the tree..let's jes drag the bloody thing to the hole!"
It ended up being much easier that way and we finally gort it inna
hole and the tree must have decided it had had enough too, cuz after a
few shovelsful of soil it decided it was staying there:)


But wait folks...there's more...what about the fate of the second
tree, wot was left lying in KK's driveway?!!! the rest of the saga, in KK's words herself....

"Well, tree #1 is very happy in my front yard. Will have to get a pic taken of
that for you as that was the largest section of the original plant we split in 
to 3 to ensure we could get it up & off the copper pipes that were threaded 
through the root system.

Tree #2 WAS supposed to be picked up by the gardener from the hospital where I 
work. But she had 2nd thots during the weekend & emailed saying she did not 
want it so last night I dug a hole for it in the backyard & put my thinking cap 
on how to get it from the carport to the backyard.

And, how did I get it down the side of the house all by my lil-ol self without 
breaking off any of the branches? There is method to my madness ;-))

Well, I had 3 computer chairs that were thrown in with the 2nd hand computer 
desk I purchased off ebay a month or so ago. I have to put a couple of screws 
back in to the seat part of them to make sure its secure before I drop them off 
at the charity store down the road.

I used the larger computer chair to hold up the part just above the root ball 
tying it on to the seat so the tree did not roll off. 
2nd chair I put in the opposite way using the seat back to stop the chair 
rolling the other way off tying that on to the tree trunk about half way along 
its length.
3rd chair was used to hold the branches up off the ground so I would not break 
Then, I tied all the 3 chairs together using a heavy rope so that I only had to 
pull on the tree root end to manoeuvre the beast through the gate & down the 
side of the house .. then reaching the lawn area took out the middle chair & 
managed to get the chair carrying the rootball across the lawn by dragging it 
to the freshly dug hole. So tree #2 is getting a daily watering to settle it in.



Best regards,
 Woofie ,                         mailto:woofie at


"Organized people are too lazy to look for things."



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