TheBanyanTree: EBAY is Henceforth Banned!!!

Woofie woofie at
Mon Apr 17 01:23:24 PDT 2006

Hello nutters,

 Yes folks..I is putting a firewall rule on KK's PC wot blocks eBay!!!

 It took the best part of the day for Spouse and KK ter dig out that
 bloody Dracaena marginata tree (apparently said tree is only an
 annual in Canada *SNORRRRRRRRRRRRRT!!*) and transport was too
 big for one tree so it gort split into 3..that means the Woofden has
 ended up with one of them..KK tried ter palm two of them orf on us,
 but it didn't work!!<G>

 Spouse is now in the backyard digging a hole in our thick cement like
 clay soil for tree number 3.

 Luckily I didn't have ter do too much except shift sand back inna
 original hole. I gort ter be mainly decorative and drive over ter
 Bunnings Hardware and buy axes and thingies like that:)

 Being a naturally decorative hot house flower, this suited me very

 Anyhows, half way through all the toil, struggle and back broken
 curses KK hands me 4 bars of bath soap:

 "Wot are these fer, KK?"

 "You will never believe this," she sez, "I won them orn eBay real
 cheap! I gort a whole carton of soap bars...144 bars of soap!!!"

 "KK," I sez looking at her rather raggedly, "Wot the eff are you
 gonna do wid 144 bars of Imperial Leather bath soap?!!!!!"

 "Oh," she sez, "I will jes bring you over bars of soap every time I
 comes ter visit:)))"

 Thankfully bath soap does not need holes dug for it:))

 I has jes finished potting a few broken bits of the dreaded beastie
 and Spouse is jes about ready fer me to shift half a ton of tree into
 the hole, so this is short..

 Pics here:

 Just remember folks..when yer comes ter visit us in the Woofden, do
 not bother ter bring yer own soap;)

 Also..every guest gets a complimentary Dracaena marginata in a pot
 ter take home:)))

Best regards,
 Woofie ,                         mailto:woofie at


"Organized people are too lazy to look for things."



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