TheBanyanTree: Yesterday's Lesson

LLDeMerle imijri at
Wed Nov 9 06:22:47 PST 2005


Yesterday, I had my first grade RE (religious ed) class, which is always fun
because the kids are such adorable urchins I could nibble them were that

We sat in our usual circle, because they really like that, and as we read,
they like to talk about their lives and their pets and their family and
friends, etc...makes for a much moiré intimate setting.  Anyway, we began by
everyone telling what's happened over the last week and then we pray and
like, thank God for all of the good stuff and helping us deal with the bad
stuff, or whatever needs to be said, and went onto our discussion of being
thankful.  As I was reading from the book I had, there was  a section of The
Lord's Prayer, and when I read "hallowed be they name," an alarm went off in
my head.  

"Dies anyone know what 'hallowed be Thy name' means?"

In unison:  "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo."

Me: Okay, well it means that God's name is holy.

Child 1: You mean that is his name?  

Child 2:  No, that's not his name.

Child 3:  Is it his nickname?

Me:  No, it's not his nickname.  It means his name is....HOOOOOOOoooooly.
(You can see I was panicking, here...)

They all look at me.

Me: No, his name is not full of HOLES.

All:  OOOOOOOOOooOOOooooooh.  (Guess I hit that one on the head.)

Blank looks.

I'm going to have to think about this.  It's funny trying to explain
something that these babies have no point of reference for.

                        poet, painter,
                     matcher of socks,
                     archive of random 
                       snippets de trop
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