TheBanyanTree: 'Cause Baby It's Cold Inside....

trebro at trebro at
Sat Jan 22 10:34:35 PST 2005

Liz and I live in a wonderful old hosue that's been converted into apartments.  It's big, it's spacious, it has a sun porch, lots of windows...

Did I mention it has lots of windows?

The problem with this apartment is that it's almost impossible to keep warm for the few weeks a year where it gets really, really cold.

Today is one of those days.

I woke up around 7, which is entirely too early on a Saturday, and boy was I ever glad I had socks on.  I was hoping to take a little trip today, but one look outside told me what I basically knew anyway---the only place I was going today was back to bed.

Or not.

For some strange reason, still unknown to me, I decided to stay up.  This is especially funny to me because all week I haven't been able to get up for work, but for a possible outing, BAMMO!  Wakey-Wakey!

And so far, it's been an interesting morning.

First off, I turned on a local show that does folk music and conversation, called the Saturday Light Brigade, and called in to answer one of their puzzlers.  That was cool.

Then I called my friend to ask him if he heard me---except that, for once, he'd slept in (until I called, of course).  Oops.

We talked for awhile, as his brain quickly recovered and we tossed back tales of things going on, inlcuding a certain inauguration.

The it was time to settle in and catch up on old e-mails that were in danger of being deleted from my ATT account. In-between, I petted cats, trying to convince them to lend me their fur coats so I could warm up.  No such luck.

And finally, I settled in with some luke-warm tea and watched some DVD episodes of You Bet Your Life while waiting for Liz to wake up.

So, since she has, it's time to go play in the snow, because baby, it's cold inside...


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