TheBanyanTree: Slug

Margaret R. Kramer margaretkramer at
Tue Dec 27 05:30:00 PST 2005

The club wasn’t too full when I got there yesterday, but as I was sweating
on the treadmill, more and more people came.  By the time I left, around 11
am, the parking lot was full.  I did the same old workout I usually do on
Mondays (I do a different workout each day so I don’t get bored), but it was
more invigorating than usual.  My body was tingling with excitement and
anticipation.  I sat in the sauna for a while afterwards.  Nothing feels
better than a sauna on a winter day, even though our winter has turned
wimpy.  No snow, no cold weather.  Our snow is almost gone.  Our winter,
which held so much promise of being a real winter with real snow and cold,
has vaporized and left us with nothing but fog.

I drove home from the club with a sense of purpose.  I was going to work on
my scrapbook of our cruise we took in 2003.

I got home and had a late breakfast, read the paper, and found myself drawn
up to the loft where our big green couch looked so inviting.  The day was
gray and boring.  We turned on the heater in the loft and slowly the room
warmed up.  I was read a book and Ray painted.  It was quiet in the house.

Ray turned on the TV and got two “movies on demand” through our cable
company.  One was a really stupid movie with a very young Jody Foster and a
very young Rob Lowe.  I never did figure out the plot.  Thank goodness these
“movies on demand” were free.  And the other was a Woody Allen movie with
Mia Farrow about two couples separating and getting back together.  I’ve
seen it before, but I can’t remember the movie’s name.

As we watched TV, read, painted, and just observed the gray sky out of the
window, we only moved off the green couch to go to the bathroom and get
food.  We snacked our way through the afternoon, and before we knew it, dusk
was moving in.  I turned on our Christmas lights to help ward it off.

We watched Oprah, which I usually don’t watch, because I think she has too
many commercials.  She’ll get a good discussion going and then WHAM! It’s
time for a commercial.  Yesterday she had Michael Jordan and Charles Barkley
on.  They were funny.  I stopped watching NBA basketball after Michael
retired from the Bulls.  And I haven’t found any reason to watch it since,
except my grandsons LOVE the NBA, so I need to keep up with it so I know who
all the new players are.

I rarely have a day where all I do is nothing.  Well, not actually nothing,
because I did go work out, but other than that, my time was not scheduled
for any purpose.  We didn’t have anything that we needed to get done.  The
phone didn’t ring even once.

We finally moved off the couch and into the dining room for dinner and then
it was back onto the couch to watch the last Monday Night Football and catch
some bad Timberwolves basketball.  Then I went to bed.

Today is my last day off this week.  Ray is going to work today.  I’ll go to
work out again this morning.  Should I go shopping afterwards?  There are
some new stores I haven’t checked out yet.  I didn’t go yesterday, because I
knew the stores would be jammed.  I’ve been dreaming about a dog and I’m so
tempted to drive to the Humane Society and look for one.  Sigh.

I’ll let this day decide what I’m going to do with myself since this is the
last day I have this week without my job defining how I spend my time.  I
think I’ll throw a dog leash in the car . . . just in case.

Margaret R. Kramer
margaretkramer at
Business and Professional Women of Minnesota

Next to a circus there ain't nothing that packs up and tears out faster than
the Christmas spirit.
~Kin Hubbard

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