TheBanyanTree: Going to the top

Jim Miller jim at
Wed Apr 21 16:50:03 PDT 2004

-----Original Message-----
From: at
[ at] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 3:06 AM
To: TheBanyanTree
Subject: TheBanyanTree: Going to the top

In all my life I have never gone to the top before.  It's definitely worth a


This reminds me of a couple of stories I tell occasionally. The first I
enjoy telling because it reinforces the belief in my testosterone induced
chest thumping. The second story supports the premise of Janice's

First; long, long ago, when I was in the two-way radio business, I contacted
the telephone service provider in a small farming community, about 100 miles
away, for the purpose of leasing a control line between my customer's office
and a remote radio site. The telephone company informed me that facilities
were at capacity. They assured me that tariffs required them to provide
service and they would in a reasonable time. I waited several weeks and
getting the typical run-around, made a few contacts and directly called the
regional manager. The order was filled within 1 week. About two weeks later,
the link failed and my customer called me to the rescue. In typical customer
service fashion, all responsibility by the telephone company was denied, but
"They Would Have a Serviceman Check the Circuit within 48 Hours". To this
point, I had only identified the problem by circuit number. Upon receiving
the expected hassle, I began to escalate by demanding a supervisor. After a
five minute wait, the same voice came back on the line, addressed me by name
and stated that their repairman would be on-site in 20 minutes. Over many
years of working with that company, I never lacked courtesy or prompt
service again. It's always good to go to the top of the food chain.

My second story involves a sermon by the pastor of a church I once attended.
I've been around preachers all my life, and never knew them to be shy, so
there is nothing remarkable about this story. Dale was about to take an
international trip. He needed a special adapter for his camera, and was
having no success at the regular customer service levels. He went to the
library and found the name of the company president along with direct
contact telephone numbers. He placed the call, got the president and
received the help he needed immediately. As I  recall, the point of the
story, was about going straight to the top man.

You did good Janice. Next time, remember, your time is too valuable to waste
with the peons. Once delayed, go straight to the top.


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