TheBanyanTree: No doubt about that

John Bailey john at
Sun Sep 7 00:36:20 PDT 2003

Saturday September 6, 2003


"Come out here a minute," said Graham.

I stepped out of the kitchen door into the dark.

"What, then?" I asked.

"Look at this," he said, and gave a great huuhhhhh into the night air, 
producing a plume of steamy breath.

"Oh, wow!" I said, and did my own huuhhhhh.

Picture it, then, two grown blokes standing under the stars, having fun 
producing great breath plumes in the chill autumn air.

"It's that time of year again," I said.

"Yeah. Good, 'ennit?"

"It most certainly is."

Indoors, on the corner of the counter top by the door, Dolly the Mega-Cat 
regarded us solemnly as we filed back in to the warmth of the kitchen.

"That's it, Dolly," I said. "The big heat's over and we'll be alright now."

Harry Cat poked his head round the bottom of the stairs, come to see what 
the hilarity was all about, and poddled along the hall to join the party.

"Let's all have an autumn treat, then," I said.

So that's what we did. Slightly warmed Carnation milk for Harry and Dolly, 
and great steaming mugs of good strong coffee for us humans. And, just to 
round it all off, I turned to and knocked us up a quick hash of potato, 
sliced apple and crisp lean bacon for supper.

Harry Cat got to nibble a couple of pieces of bacon that somehow found 
their way to the floor before they hit the pan. Dolly the Mega-Cat may 
favour a little Carnation Milk as a nightcap, but, always a lady, never 
nibbles between meals. Well, you have to watch your figure when you're a 
Mega-Cat, don't you?

The estate, almost all the houses dark, fell silent. An owl screeched. Over 
in the field on the hill, one of the horses whinnied quietly. It's autumn 
all right. No doubt about that.

John Bailey   Carmarthenshire, Wales
journal of a writing man

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