TheBanyanTree: Religious writings

Woofie woofie at
Wed Oct 29 02:29:57 PST 2003

Very nicely said, RJ:)

I too am not religious (Australia is not overly religious compared to
other countries), but I defend the right of others to post stories
which illustrate their beliefs.

If those of a certain religious persuasion (whatever belief system it
may be) were tub thumping and condemning those who did not agree with
them, then it would be a different matter. This is not the case on the

The Tree is not a pencil pine, with one narrow is a spreading Banyan
tree with diverse limbs and branches..hence there is space for all
folks, no matter what their culture or religion, to sit happily and
to feel friendship and respect=t from other denizens of the Tree.


RJF> I perhaps think there is room in this excellent space we inhabit around the
RJF> banyan tree to co-exist and respect each other, no? I am apt to quietly
RJF> employ the delete option on my computer if encountering something I would
RJF> rather not and let live. I have been pleased that my often
RJF> alternate view" writings are not attacked by those who I know disagree. For
RJF> this I am glad and would not deny them their voice,....they have kindly
RJF> respected mine, I will respect theirs.

RJF> R J Fernalld

Best regards,
 Woofie,                       mailto:woofie at

"The one constant in life is absurdity" - Woofie - 30/4/02


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