TheBanyanTree: I never realized

NancyIee at NancyIee at
Thu Oct 23 08:10:33 PDT 2003

I really never realized how horrible divroce is. The process is ponderously 
slow, and every step is agonizing. It's a horrendous undertaking.

Friends and family say, "you've put up with it decades, what's the difference 
now? Hang on a little longer and you'll be a wealthy widow."

What a terrible way to look at it, and what a terrible reason to stay 

He's a good man, and I DO love him. It's just that neither of us become nice 
people when we're together. He's my best friend, but in close quarters, we 
become enemies.  

I figure if we're to survive, we're better off apart. He deserves better, and 
so do I.


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