TheBanyanTree: June Morning

Margaret R. Kramer margaretkramer at
Sat Jun 7 05:46:26 PDT 2003

The clouds from yesterday’s showers haven’t moved on.  They hang low to the
ground like an old smelly blanket.  There isn’t a breath of wind.  But it
isn’t quiet.  Even though the rising sun can’t punch its way through those
thick clouds, a choir of birds provides the morning’s entertainment.  The
choir sounds much calmer now than in April.  There are no frantic mating
solos.  It’s a full chorus with a happy range of songs.

The oak branches in my backyard are canopies over my head.  I feel protected
and safe underneath them.  Every surface is moist, but I manage to find a
dry chair to sit on as the dogs do their morning business.

The singing swells and echoes through the trees.  There are no car noises to
muffle the choir.  Everyone is sleeping in on this Saturday morning.

The dogs are done.  I give a standing ovation to the birds.  Then I head in
the house and search for my first cup of coffee.

Margaret R. Kramer
margaretkramer at
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Skyway Business and Professional Women
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Summer afternoon - summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two
most beautiful words in the English language.
~Henry James

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