TheBanyanTree: a mess of meeses

Mike Pingleton pingleto at
Mon Dec 22 13:29:08 PST 2003

a gaggle of geese,
or just one goose
a moggle of meese,
one lonely moose.

a bib of lobsters,
a rule of thumb
a dab of dobsters
thumping on drums.

haven't you seen a herd of turtles
ever witnessed a comb of hares
got for Christmas a brace of girdles
ever eaten a pair of pears?

a craze of kittens,
swaggles of swans
a warmth of mittens,
a case of the yawns.

a box of canyons,
a pack of lies
a trunk of banyans,
an odor of fries.

creature comforts in drops or snootfuls
let us share in a cup of cheer
blessings I bid you by the bootful
a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year!

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