TheBanyanTree: something more or less completely different

peter macinnis petermacinnis at
Sat Sep 3 20:18:45 PDT 2022

Just posted to FB, to mess furiously with their algorithms:

It being a lay day, I was checking the commonplace file for ideas, and 
came across this note, from a dozen years in the past:
Dragons hate chocolate. Consider this: every person I know loves 
chocolate, and none of them has ever been attacked by a dragon. It 
follows that all the chocolate haters have been eaten by dragons, which 
shy off at the merest hint of the cocoa bean.
Nobody alive has ever seen a dragon, because since the chocolate haters 
have been eliminated, there has been no food for dragons, and they have 
all moved to another planet.
Don't stop eating the chocolate, because if they come back, you will be 
dragon droppings, quicker than you can say "brown bread!"
End of note: I estimate that if I can come up with 31 other theories 
like this, I can have an entertaining book. If I don't think of any 
others, I will write a popular diet book about the central role of 
theobromine as an antidraconic agent.
This will reap me a fortune, because it tells people to eat something 
they like, but dresses the advice up in New Age gibberish. Note: the 
foregoing is entirely fictitious, and any similarity to any existing 
dietary manuals is purely coincidental.
And then, my standard greeting to obnoxious sales people, to really 
banjax the FB plotters:
/excreta tauri cerebrum vincit./..

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