TheBanyanTree: Ketsup

Monique Colve monique.colver at
Wed Mar 16 14:04:29 PDT 2022

I would regale you with stories of transformation, of my back yard being changed into a place for summer, thanks to the gardener I have allowed to take over the space. It's nothing much, some trees, some plants, hopefully no snakes. We haven't owned the place for long so I'm reasonably certain there are no bodies buried,  but there are indeed dog toys that we thought were long lost, but we don't keep an inventory. Occasionally the gardener will run in and throw us something new, a head perhaps, or one memorable occasion, a toy with all his limbs attached. A giraffe, was it, or something else equally exotic. We make no demands, the gardener knows what he's doing. 

We call him Canute, or Ash, because I cannot remember names easily. The person on my kitchen counter answers to only one name, and if I cannot remember I must ask the guy who sits in the office upstairs. It's a long walk just for a name so instead I might sit quietly until it comes to me.

I'm evaluating my options, which are few, but I have some time to think about it, what with Canute working outside or, in his case laying down to count the birds in the trees.

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