TheBanyanTree: Veterans (Russ Doden)

trsmith44 trsmith44 trsmith44 at
Thu Aug 23 10:03:26 PDT 2018

Good compassionate, understanding piece, Russ.

There are infinite ways to serve your country other
that military service. Teaching our children, farming,
serving one another in any capacity, being kind.
Anyone can come down with PTSD. Sully Sullenburger,
who landed the airliner on the Hudson, an incident
with a pretty good outcome, claimed related symptoms
of PTSD.

Personally, I need to avoid the news to avoid PTSD. I
do not feel safe with an infantile lying lunatic with
presidential power being commander in chief. I feel
grateful for a free press and what seems to be my
only relevant power -to vote. The vast majority of
beings I encounter in my ordinary life all deserve
my support.

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